Nichol Manthey


A year after having my second child I found myself at the heaviest I'd ever weighed. I exercised pretty regularly and ate fairly well prior to both my pregnancies and also during. I was trying to keep everything moving effectively and efficiently; my home life, work life and family. What I was not doing was taking care of myself in the process. I realized I could not take care of my family if I was not doing the same for my health.

The following year I started working with a nutritionist/trainer (now my mentor). I was exercising and eating better than I had been the year prior. I still struggled and "fell off the wagon" quite a bit. She was very patient, understanding and continued to support and guide me no matter what. I finally started to see the results I had been working towards. My trainer helped me over come my obstacles and move toward the life I had moved away from and struggled to get back to.

Later that year, I decided I wanted to, I needed to do the same. I wanted to provide to others what she had done for me. I wanted to help others meet, maintain and not only achieve but exceed their goals. I first began by obtaining my Group Exercise certification followed by Body Pump and Group Kick/Body Combat and began teaching Group fitness classes. I wanted to give more, do more, reach out on a more personal level and worked toward becoming a personal trainer.

Through my own experiences, I will encourage you work toward your goals, motivate you to keep moving and striving in every capacity!